About Me.png

Hi, I’m Claire-Eliza.

I am a late-diagnosed Autistic, ADHD, and dyslexic research scientist, functional medicine-trained holistic practitioner, and course writer. None of my neurodivergences were picked up in my younger years; instead, I accumulated a host of other mental health and physical diagnoses: this included tourettes, OCD, generalised anxiety, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and eating disorders. In spite of working incredibly hard to address these issues, my mental health and physical state only worsened or got more complex. 

I’ve spent 15 years working with chronically ill patients who were just like me, particularly those with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Ehlers Danlos syndrome, and other complex, mystery illnesses. 

I create resources, teach, and advocate for people with chronic illnesses or invisible disabilities, in particular those that co-occur with neurodivergence and for other intersections and marginalised groups that may not be represented in the “evidence base”.  

I am passionate about supporting communities who may not have access to the type of individualised and holistic healthcare I practice, so my resources are free, and I offer an evidence-informed toolkit to help advocate for yourself in a healthcare setting. 

I love teaching and collaborating with practitioners to help decipher and support complex cases, so I hope these resources are helpful for you and your clients.


Get to know me

  • Dr House and Sherlock Holmes were my favourites as a child; I wanted to do this job.

  • Started my training in allopathic medicine, but the environment was such a mismatch for my neurotype, triggering my first episodes of CFS, suicidality, and burnout.

  • Spent my 20s trying to recover from CFS, cycling between being completely bed bound to “functional,” and it took me 11 years to break out of the boom and bust cycle.

  • Music was a huge escape for me, I played piano—and when I couldn’t physically sit up, I would rehearse for hours in my head.

  • Discovered neurodivergence in my early 30s: dyslexia, ADHD, and then finally autism.

  • I also have hypermobility Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, a disability which impacts the way I live my life and requires a significant amount of “meat suit maintenance”.

  • Pole dance, contortion, and aerial sports are my special interest and an incredible way to stim, regulate my nervous system, and use parts of my hEDS to my advantage.

  • When I am stressed or around times of change, I have ARFID (never been formally diagnosed but fit the diagnostic criteria) and also suffered from Binge Eating patterns, which was a huge source of shame for me. However, in my journey with neurodivergence, understanding interoception, and with intuitive eating training and practice, I am in a good place and really enjoy working with clients in this area.

My areas of special interest

  • Neurodivergence and chronic health issues

  • CFS/ME, Long COVID and immune dysfunction 

  • Interoception and Eating disorders

  • Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and hypermobility spectrum

  • Intersectional representation in healthcare 


  • Biomedical Sciences BSc (hons)

  • Nutritional Medicine MSc (distinction)

  • IFMCP Applied Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice