Part 3: Autism and Health Issues Unpacked: Exploring the Intersection of Autism and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Written by Claire Eliza Sehinson, MS with Dr. Megan Anna Neff, PsyD. Originally posted on Neurodivergent Insights

This is a continuation from Part 2.

Autism and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

Overlapping Experiences

As highlighted by the Venn diagram, there are significant overlaps between autism and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME), often leading to diagnostic overshadowing. Let's explore some of these shared experiences:

Brain Fog

Brain fog is a widely used term encompassing various symptoms of cognitive and executive dysfunction, commonly seen in ME/CFS and other chronic illnesses. Typically, it includes:

  • Confusion

  • Mental fatigue

  • Lack of clarity

  • Disorganization

  • Concentration difficulties

  • Slowed information processing

  • Newly apparent memory issues

In Autistic people, many symptoms associated with brain fog often surface during periods of sensory overload, stress, shutdowns, and meltdowns. Hormonal fluctuations, such as those occurring during cyclical changes or transitions like perimenopause/menopause, can also exacerbate these symptoms. Moreover, brain fog is a recognized feature of conditions like anxiety and depression, with potential links to infection and neuroinflammation.

Brain fog is not exclusive to autism or ME/CFS; it's also a common element in other health conditions, including long COVID. Importantly, brain fog should not be an experience people are expected to “just live with.” Appropriate accommodations and healthcare support, targeting the underlying causes, can significantly alleviate these symptoms.

Post-Viral/Long COVID and Its Connection to ME/CFS

The historical link between ME/CFS and infectious diseases has been well-documented. Notable examples include the "cluster outbreaks" of ME/CFS, such as the Royal Free Hospital Outbreak in London in 1955 and the Nevada (Incline Village) outbreak in 1985 (Acheson,1959). 

Research indicates that a variety of microbial infections can lead to a chronic fatigue symptom profile persisting long after the acute infection phase (Hickie et al., 2006). Interestingly, up to 12% of people may experience prolonged illness post-infection, a statistic mirrored in Long-COVID prevalence data from the UK, where approximately 1 in 10 COVID-19 cases result in persistent illness (Atchinson et al., 2023).

Long-COVID and post-viral ME/CFS share nearly identical clinical characteristics, with emerging research suggesting Long-COVID may be an immune subtype of ME/CFS. This is supported by overlapping pathological processes observed in both conditions.

Furthermore, individuals in the neurodivergent community, both diagnosed and undiagnosed, have been reported to face a higher risk of Long-COVID or COVID-related health complications (All Brain’s Belong). 

Immune Dysregulation & Autoimmunity in Autism and CFS/ME

A key factor in the post-viral fatigue and complications observed in both Autistic and CFS/ME patients is "immune dysregulation" and autoimmunity. Similar Immune Abnormalities in CFS/ME and Autism including: 

  • Insufficient Antiviral Defense: One notable similarity is the reduced number of Natural Killer (NK) Cells in both autistic and CFS/ME patients. NK cells, a type of T-lymphocyte, are crucial for eliminating viral infections and monitoring early cancer processes. Effective infection control is closely linked to the count and function of these cells  (Espinosa et al., 2019)(Sarasella et al., 2023)

  • Autoimmunity Trends: Another observation is the higher incidence of autoimmune conditions within families of both Autistic and CFS/ME individuals, hinting at a genetic predisposition (Sotzny, 2018). Autoimmunity is a complex disease process where the immune system, which typically balances defense and tolerance, becomes dysfunctional. This breakdown in immune communication leads to the mistaken attack and destruction of healthy tissues. Numerous lifestyle factors can influence the progression of autoimmune diseases – these include vitamin D levels, nutrition, sleep quality, and stress. We plan to explore these modifiable factors in future articles.

Chronic Infections and Their Impact on Autism and CFS/ME

The Role of Stealth Infections

Both Autistic and CFS/ME individuals commonly encounter chronic and persistent infections. Notably, the herpes virus family, including Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus, HHV-6, Herpes Simplex, along with hepatitis and enteroviruses, play a significant role in the ongoing disease process in ME/CFS. These viruses often target either neurons (“neurotropic”) or immune cells (“immunotropic”), leading to the neurological and immune-related symptoms frequently observed. Their ability to evade immune detection makes them particularly challenging to address (Rasa et al, 2018).

Chronic Infections in Autism Research

Research has shown a significant correlation between chronic infections and Autistic individuals. However, there is a notable challenge in this area of scientific study. Often, the narrative mistakenly frames autism as a disease. This perspective can divert attention away from a crucial understanding: chronic infections in Autistic people may often be a consequence of underlying immune dysfunction and decreased resistance, which are more common in this population. Importantly, this understanding steers us away from the misleading notion that chronic infections in childhood are a cause of autism. Recognizing and maintaining this distinction is vital for practicing medicine and health therapies within a neurodivergent-affirming paradigm.

Opportunistic Infections and EBV

While 95% of the general population may have been exposed to EBV, most are asymptomatic. However, individuals with chronic fatigue are more susceptible to illnesses from such opportunistic viruses due to underlying immune dysfunction and decreased resistance.

The Interplay of Stress and Viruses

Cortisol, the stress hormone, has been shown to reactivate EBV and other herpes viruses (Yang et al., 2010). Consequently, post-viral fatigue may follow periods of high stress, burnout, or constant sensory overload, which is particularly relevant for Autistic individuals facing daily sensory challenges.

Infections and Behavior

While PANS/PANDAS is a complex topic beyond the scope of this article, it's worth noting that this area is highly relevant to Autistic health, especially in children, and deserves attention in discussions about autism and health.

Understanding Sleep Issues in Autism and ME/CFS

Sleep difficulties and unrefreshing sleep are a near constant feature of autism and affect between 85-90% of people with ME/CFS where sleep issues can precede the onset of illness by years.(Gotts et al., 2013). This research outlines many types of sleep disorder patterns that can occur, including: 

Sleep Disorders in Autism and ME/CFS

  • Prevalence: Between 85-90% of people with ME/CFS face sleep difficulties. Similarly, 50-80% of Autistic children experience sleep disorders, significantly higher than the 9-50% in neurotypical children (Reynolds et al., 2019; Gotts et al., 2013).

  • Circadian Rhythm Disorders: Many Autistic individuals have mutations affecting their circadian rhythms, yet autism is often overlooked in CRSWD (Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorders) diagnoses.

  • Melatonin Regulation in Autism: A common feature in autism is a mutation in melatonin-regulating genes, leading to altered sleep cues at night and increased sleepiness during other parts of the day (Furfaro, 2020).

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Periodic Limb Movement: Around 30% of individuals with ME/CFS meet criteria for conditions like obstructive sleep apnea or periodic limb movement. These conditions are also more common among Autistic people. 

  • Insomnia or Hypersomnolence: Significant rates of insomnia or excessive sleepiness are reported in both ME/CFS (89.1%) and autism (Furfaro, 2020). 

Impact of Disrupted Sleep Stages:

Within these groups different stages of sleep i.e. REM sleep or stage 3 may be disrupted. For example, Autistic individuals on average spend about 15% of their sleep in the REM phase, compared to 25% in neurotypicals. REM sleep, crucial for learning and memory, is therefore often reduced in autism (Buckley et al., 2010; Neumeyer et al., 2019). In autism, poor sleep can intensify repetitive behaviors and hyperactivity, creating a cycle where these behaviors further disrupt sleep.

Each sleep phase serves critical health functions, and disruptions in these stages can impair different biological processes. The architecture of normal sleep is influenced by several factors, including daylight exposure, dietary habits, physical activity, insulin secretion, ambient temperature, and hormonal levels, particularly melatonin and cortisol.

The box below outlines physiological factors that can contribute to sleep disturbances and some common effects of sleep deprivation.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Mitochondria, often described as the cell's "batteries," are crucial for providing energy (ATP) to every cell in the body. Their dysfunction has been notably linked to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), particularly in differentiating “post-exertional malaise” seen in ME/CFS from general burnout or tiredness. In cases of ME/CFS, rest alone often doesn't restore energy (Booth et al., 2012). 

Recent advancements in mitochondrial science have expanded our understanding of their role. Beyond energy generation, mitochondria are integral to overall health, with functions including hormone and melatonin production, antioxidant synthesis, regulation of cell death and cancer processes, aging, and immune system/inflammation management.

Given this broad scope of influence, it's unsurprising that mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in a wide array of chronic health conditions, including:

This dysfunction may explain why these conditions frequently cluster in family lineages, particularly along maternal lines, as mitochondria are inherited maternally. This inheritance pattern can lead to higher ratios of conditions like CFS, Fibromyalgia, and certain autoimmune diseases in females. In Functional Medicine, we delve into these associations and utilize therapeutic tools to address specific mitochondrial dysfunctions.

continued in part 4


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